How about 24 seconds faster? Studies show (at least our study showed) that it takes approximately six seconds to screw in the Pryda Screw compared to 30 seconds it took to complete a traditional stud tie. Over the course of a day that’s a total saving of, say, 10 minutes? 30 minutes? You get the picture. Time is money.
A special thread and lubricant coating makes driving quick and easy. And with a standard 5mm hex head, the installer will never have to scratch around the bottom of their toolbox to find an exotic driver bit. We’ve also designed the hex head with deeper drive access to increase the lifespan of a standard driver bit.
Laboratory tested and approved for stud-to-wall connections, the Pryda Screw delivers great capacity. They can also replace conventional stud ties used within bracing units.
Watch this space for more clever stuff designed to help you work smarter.