A simple and economical connection between timber members crossing at right angles


Pryda Ceiling and Purlin Hangers are a simple device with a variety of uses in a building.


SIMPLE: Easy to use for numerous right-angle connections.
FAST: Can be used as a tie-down and hanging connector using nail fasteners.
DURABLE: Made from G300 Z275 steel or Stainless Steel 304.


For application and design capacity information, refer to the Ceiling and Purlin Hanger Data Sheet.

Ceiling and Purlin Hanger

Product CodeSizePack Quantity
CPH190-LH (Left Hand)25 x 190mm50
CPH190-RH (Right Hand)25 x 190mm50
CPH190LH/S (Left Hand, Stainless Steel)25 x 190mm10
CPH190RH/S (Right Hand, Stainless Steel)25 x 190mm10