Our Advanced Roof Course is one of our most popular training courses for design staff. David Proudford, Plant Manager at Midcoast Timber Truss and Frame in Ulladulla, sent not one, but two staff members to our Advanced Roof training in June.
“They’re both taking on the more difficult jobs and have been more confident in their abilities to put jobs in.” David explained. “It’s been quite a big improvement.”

The course covers everything from advanced roof planes, ceiling planes and perimeter lines. While it’s commonly referred to as the “Phantom Planes” course, Colin Dawson, one of our training instructors thinks this is selling the course short.
“It’s actually much more than just phantom planes. The course is designed to help solve complex roof shapes quickly without manually adding planes and minimising the manual manipulation of roof planes.”
During the course, we run through training jobs that are designed to teach new skills. But Colin’s favourite part is at the end of the day, when he throws real jobs at the students to attempt.
“People who attend this course all know what they’re doing – they’re experienced truss designers. But there’s a great moment, where they realise there’s a simpler way to get their jobs done, and they can see how they’re going to use these skills when they get back to their desks.”
Whether it’s beginner or advanced training, one of the things Pryda strives for with training is to take the pressure off experienced design staff. While collaboration is important within a design office, if your senior staff are always helping others, their productivity will suffer.
This is where David has seen the benefit too. “They’ve always been doing those jobs, but now they’re getting them in correctly first up, without asking for assistance.”
Find out more at: https://pryda.matrixlms.com.au/