Make sure your connection is compliant


The Pryda Timber Connector Screw is specifically designed for fixing Pryda timber connectors. Where a Pryda product specifies Pryda Timber Connector Screw, be sure to use the genuine product.


FAST: Screw self-drilling technology for faster installation.
EASY: Screw colour red head with ‘PR’ head marking to easily identify genuine Pryda screw, and visually know the length installed.
DURABLE: All Pryda connectors specifying a Pryda Timber Connector Screws have design capacities are in accordance with test results or current, relevant Australian Standards and the Building Code of New Zealand. When used with genuine Pryda Structural Timber Connectors, this will ensure the design strength of the connection and minimum corrosion protection required by NZS 3604:2011 Table 4.3.


For application and design capacity information, refer to the Connector Screws and Nail Data Sheet.

Pryda Self Drilling Screws 

Product CodeSizePack Quantity
TCS12-35/100 No. 12 x 35mm Zip Tie Hex-head screw100
TCS12-35/1KNo. 12 x 35mm Zip Tip Hex-head screw1000

Pryda Screws

Product CodeSizePack Quantity
HH1235SS (Stainless Steel)12g x 35mm Hex head T17100
HH1475S14g x 75mm Hex head T17100